Honey, I heard what happened... your crush Suzy turned you down when you asked her to the prom. Im so sorry... I feel so bad for my baby boy. I dont know what shes thinking! You are smart, handsome, and funny, and any girl should feel lucky to be with you! I know if I were your age, and werent your Mother, Id definitely date you... I might even let you feel me up in the back of your car, heehee! Oh, forget about her, sweetie! Shes nothing special anyway. Oh I know youre lonely. I know you want nothing more than to feel what its like to have a loving girlfriend, to kiss and to cuddle, to do naughty things with. Some day youll meet a very special girl who makes you feel wonderful... Hey, until then... why dont I show you whats it like? Come on honey, itll be fun! Ill pretend to be your girlfriend for the day! We can cuddle on the bed and watch a movie together... doesnt that sound nice? Heehee... so when are you gonna make the first move? Mmm... yes son, kiss me... let me taste that tongue. Mmmm... oh god, Son, you are making me so wet... God, if I werent your Mother, the things I would let you do to me... oh fuck it son, let me be the one to take your virginity! Let me be your first! Please??? Ill make you feel so good, and make you cum sooo hard...
Date: April 29, 2017
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