Ami is so charming, lovable and also virtue. Whoa, perhaps not. As this scene opens she tells you that she learned early on that she can get losers to do anything she wants. And that consists of smelling my ass, she states. The cam zooms back to disclose a determined male sniffing her butt through her denim shorts. She calls him a loser and orders him to smell much deeper. Determined to please her, he sniffs as tough as he can. I bet youre obtaining hard simply thinking of smelling my butt she reiterates looking your means. She mocks her butt sniffer and afterwards tells him to get on his back as she wants to remain on his face. When seated on his face, she grinds her ass into it and bounces up and down, commenting exactly how the jeans should seem like sandpaper..> She continues to jump as well as grind and states she does not care that it hurts. How are you mosting likely to discuss it to your better half when you go home with your face all batter she says. Princess after that reverses right into an onward position and tells you to smell her feet while she rests on her various other servants face. She waves the perspiring socks right in your nose. She informs you to go get a pair of your old worn socks as well as smell them and also claim they are hers. Finally she sits down full weight and also begins having fun with her stuffed plaything, throwing it backwards and forwards. I ask yourself why hes kicking like that she giggles.
Date: July 12, 2024
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