Miss Olivia Berzinc - Olivias Amazing AssWow you need help... You just cant think about anything else but but crack! you go from one ass to the next just so you can get your next FIX! Money, work, friends, family...none of them seem to matter anymore! Your addiction to CRACK and more specifically Olivias crack dominates your life! So LOSER come closer, pull your pants down, reach for that credit card as you yank, and strum that piggie tail, as you press your worthless snout of yours up against the screen and SNIFFFFFF!!!! MMMM THATS THE S.H..T!!! Stare at your computer screens as thats the closest you will ever get to her... Tell me how much you want to be holding onto those ass cheeks right now...ASS WORSHIPOR
Date: December 31, 2015
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