So tell me, would you like to trade places with this gimp – fighting with mighty chains in a dark, sealed torso in an identically grim, locked basement and choking for breath with a gunny sack bound stiffly over his head?The fierce, splendid inspects her gimp. Pleasure through physical and emotional ache – that was the motto and way of life pioneered by her direct ancestor, of Transylvania, well known for her famous, passion. Woe be it to he who came into!It would emerge that not much has switched in the family. Heavy chains rattle through the eyelet fasteners. This poor lost sod aint goin nowhere, but he may feel a few things on the way. With his gams trussed and spread-eagled, his motionlessly trussed sausage is already sore after a trampling under her ebony platform boot and downright defenceless against the abnormal lusts of the. she has a disturbing glint of fierce gusto in her cold, splendid eyes as she takes hold of a monstrously mighty stone weight in her sadomasochistic, -lusty palms.An der Stelle des Opfers m?chte man nicht sein, mit schweren Fesseln im verschlossenen dunklen Loch, in einem ebenso d?steren verriegelten Verlies mit zugebundenem Sack ?ber dem Kopf nach Atem ringend. sch?ne und grausame Diana von B?thory inspiziert ihr Opfer: Lustgewinn durch k?rperliche und seelische Pein, so war das schon bei ihrer direkten Vorfahrin, der Gr?fin Elisabeth B?thory, deren Blutr?nstigkeit legend?r ist. Wehe dem, der in ihren F?ngen landete. Schwere Ketten rasseln durch metallene ?sen. Breitbeinig und bewegungslos fixiert ist der bereits durch den Stiefelabsatz l?dierte Schwanz schutzlos den Gel?sten der Dame ausgeliefert, bereits nach einem monstr?sen steinernen Gewicht greift.
Date: September 4, 2022
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