A stroll through my paddock could mean many things! Mmm . . . a most energetic and enjoyable day, as I took hobson for a most invigorating stroll through my extensive grounds. Now, unfortunately for hobson, I neglected to mention what he would be walking through, or I should say, crawling, other than a field full of long lush grass, buttercups, daisies, forget-me-nots, and other wild flowers and . . . . . weeds! Â Oh dear! Oh dear, oh dear!!! NETTLES! Of course, my gorgeous sky high leather boots were a superb choice for me, what a pity the same cant be said for hobson, who wasnt suitably dressed for the occasion! I had to laugh, as he didnt realise his face and hands would bear those nasty little hollow hairs that act like hypodermic needles injecting histamine and other nasty chemical compounds. Gosh, just look at the way my nettles have taken off, fertile, tall, potent and still growing strong. It really wouldnt do for anyone to be walking through them without wearing some kind of protection. I must just add, even denim doesnt keep those pesky stings from having their desired effect. They have a real habit of penetrating through most materials. Leather is perfect, extremely soft, yet incredibly tough, nothing gets through!!! Â But of course, thats not all hobson had to endure, just watch the movie right to the very end, so you may get a real teaser of whats to come in Part 2.
Date: July 21, 2022
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