I want to talk to you slaves about making your dreams come true. Not about Disneyland... but visiting me is what you really dream about. So for you middle class or rich guys, you can get yourself a one way ticket to Los Angeles and knock on my door with your vacation money in your hand. Then you hand it to me and I will gladly call you a loser, take your cash and slam the door in your face! haha! Imaging how hot that would be! thats way better than a trip to the Grand Canyon with your stupid family! Oh and make sure you only buy a one way ticket because I dont care how you get home. I want all the vacation money so dont even think about wasting any cash on a round trip ticket.And for the poor losers and slaves in poor countries... you can save up for like 5 years and sell everything you own. Then when you get here you can hand it to me and get the slammed in your face by me! I treat everyone equally because I am so nice, haha!If you read this far that means you think this is hot. And if you buy it you really might fall under my spell and do it! So if you buy this clip you should consider it the first step in actually doing this!
Date: April 18, 2022
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