Get ready to waste your entire night gooning to porn and taking your porn addiction to a whole new level! This iclip with non-stop audio and visual porn triggers. The audio for this clip is absolutely mind bending! It contains numerous tracks, played simultaneously in both ears to confuse your brain and br?inwash you. The power of this porn audio is inescapable. There are over two dozen porn stars and over 25 different scenes! This clip will melt your brain and turn you into a mindless drooling porn drone. And in addition to all of the beautiful porn goddesses, there are some cameos of Princess Miki and Leena Fox mixed in to encourage your chronic masturbation to porn and turn you into a pornosexual with no chance of ever escaping. The audio alone will break your brain and make it impossible for you to recover from this. This is a mindblowing porn addiction clip, you know you need it, you cant resist it. Porn calls to you and you are helpless to stop yourself from entering the goon mindwashing machine and completely br?inwashing yourself. Youve never experienced anything like this before. Be warned: This clip will turn you into a br?inde?d gooner.Stroke your life away to porn, gooner. You are addicted to porn. Watching porn and pumping is your life. Your brain is being overloaded with porn images. Your brain is so pumped out. Youve lost all control, stroking your life away. You are addicted to porn. Watching porn and pumping. Pumping and stroking as your brain goes to numb to all the images of porn on your screen. You need more porn, lots of porn, multiple tabs of porn. Surrender to porn and experience the total annihilation of reality. You are being br?inwashed. It feels too good to stop. Your entire life revolves around porn. Your transformation is already almost complete. Youre almost ready to be br?inde?d gooner. But first we must drain out all other information other than porn. Nothing feels better than stroking your life away. Isolate yourself away from society and spend more time with porn. You are a mindless stroke slave who is addicted to bimbos, filth and chronic masturbation. Being a mindless porn addicted stroke slave is the ultimate pleasure. You dont need a brain, you just need porn. You have become stupid from stroking. You love being retarded to porn. You love being addicted to porn. Porn is your life. Porn addiction is your way of life. You need to feed your addiction. Porn is your mind. Your brain is so pumped out, theres nothing left in your empty head but porn.
Date: June 27, 2021
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