Well you was stupid enough to voluntary enter the world of blackmail, to willingly send me all your private information along with some pretty horrific pictures that in the wrong hands could be life changing. The rules were pretty simple, only an over excited, horny, weak willed loser would fall into this trap and here you are. Confessing all your crippling fetishes and depraved desires and grumbling on about your stale home life has only added incentive to make this even harder for you. You thought with your dick, you pressed send and your life is in my hands now. So, its simple. If you dont pay up I will be publicly shaming you in every way possible. I have your social network log ins, I have your wifes telephone number and your boss email. The world is my oyster, I can fuck with you in any way I see fit. You will pay and pay, and then pay some more. And you will either continue to fund my greed, in perpetuity OR the real you will be put on (VERY) public display!
Date: April 22, 2017
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