Your porn addiction is taking over your life. You are watching it happen and thereu2019s nothing you can do to stop it. You know you should have sex with your wife, but the constant craving to click on loser porn and scroll through femdom clips for hours always wins out. You stroke and whimper; you get lost in humiliation and waste your seed, leaving you empty and with nothing to give to your wife. She gets frustrated and eventually stops showing interest in you altogether. You know you should socialize with friends, but every night and every weekend, the loser porn addiction wins out. Pretty soon they just stop inviting you. You will let it happen. You will allow your addiction to ruin your relationships. You will cancel plans to shut yourself inside to whimper and dribble for me. You will continue to ignore your wife. You will continue to dismiss your friends. Your addiction will win out every time. Loser porn is your life. Loser porn has ruined your relationships. ,
Date: November 9, 2024
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